We can help you locate your addresses or points of interest on a map.
Cadastral Survey, LIDAR Survey, As-Built Survey, Topographic Survey, Volumetric Survey.
Let us help you extract value from your remotely sensed data (satellite or aerial imagery).
Save time, save money and free up critical resources. Create and deploy custom forms for collecting data in the field.
We can help to bring out the WHERE in your data, information and decision making by implementing a Geographical Information System (GIS).
We can help you power your E-GIS with accurate and reliable data. We can help you find the right data for your project.
Planning Application Submission, Rezoning & Planning Scheme Amendments, Site Evaluations, Development Feasibility.
GEOILOCATE is a wholly black-owned consulting company offering services and products within the following domains - Geographical Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing, Location Based Services (LBS), Surveying and Town Planning.
We pride ourselves in providing services and products that meet and solve your business needs. Read more.